Ear Surgery

Ear Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA

It’s so easy to forget how important the look of the ears are to your overall appearance. While the ears may seem like hidden features to those who have ears they are happy with, people with ear deformities often feel differently. The ears can change the entire look of your face. If you have an irregularity in the shape of one or both of your ears, because of defects at birth or personal injuries, you may feel self-conscious about your appearance. Dr. Golshani can help.

before and after of ear surgery front view for female patient

In Los Angeles, Dr. Golshani performs ear surgeries, which are also called otoplasties, to repair cosmetic issues with the ears. While esthetic ear problems generally do not cause hearing problems or medical issues, they can have a significant effect on your outlook and self-image. Dr. Golshani’s ear surgery can restore your self-esteem by correcting ears that appear overly large, ears that protrude, droopy ears, asymmetrical ears, “top ear”, “cupped ear”, “shell ear”, or any other defects that you are unsatisfied with.

Dr. Golshani would be happy to meet with you and discuss your options for correcting irregularities in ear shape. He is an extensively experienced, double board certified Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon. In addition, he is empathetic, honest, and will listen intently to your concerns and goals. Contact Dr. Golshani today.

Meet Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon
Daniel Golshani, MD, FACS

Dr. Golshani is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who is committed to enhancing your natural beauty. With a focus on balance, harmony, and symmetry, he is passionate about making aesthetic goals a reality at his Beverly Hills practice. We are not only dedicated to your personal cosmetic beauty, but also to ensuring your health, safety, and comfort.

Ready to Start Your Journey?

We invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Daniel Golshani, or to ask questions about a procedure or treatment by completing our online form. You can also call us at (310) 274-3481.

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