Top Reasons Why Women Get Breast Reduction Surgery

It’s surprising how many people find the idea of a breast reduction so bizarre. One of the main reasons for this is because of the media’s consistent portrayal of celebrities who “go under the knife” to receive breast implants. The media wants us to believe that increased breast size is the best way to go. However, a lot of women already have large breasts that they are not satisfied with for a variety of reasons. Your plastic surgeon will give you a quick list of the 3 top reasons as to why a breast reduction procedure is actually one of the best decisions you’ll make.

1. Health Benefits

Simply put, the health benefits should be the main reason why any woman opts for this procedure. There are many various pains that are associated with having to bear unnecessary weight on your chest.

Back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, and even headaches – when it begins to become overwhelming, annoying, or extreme, then you may want to seriously consider the procedure. It’s the one thing that many patients feel relief from after receiving a breast reduction procedure.

2. Insecurities

Deep inside, most women are very insecure of their breasts. This develops when they begin to question why they have such large breasts or when they begin noticing unwanted attention from strangers.

Some women cannot stand the thought of stepping inside of a gym either, or even for a walk outside because they do not want to deal with the attention they receive from bearing such large breasts.

Recently in the news, a celebrity in the United Kingdom just recently underwent a breast reduction procedure because she was insecure about her breasts. Part of the reason she became so popular was because of her breasts. Yes, she may have enjoyed the attention, but deep inside she revealed she was insecure about them.

3. Confidence

When patients realize they have made the right choice, they begin to feel comfortable with themselves again. This results in a dramatic confidence boost, as well as a boost to self-esteem. They no longer face the nagging pains, the awkward stares, the thought of feeling trapped inside of their bodies.

Women want to be comfortable and confident, and this reason alone is compelling enough for many women to begin the search for a reputable breast reduction surgeon.

Is There a Minimum Age for Breast Reduction?

Are you a good candidate? Find out.

Patients that are young often scrutinize their bodies, looking for abnormalities. The minute they see something that appears to be “off” is when they begin trying to figure out exactly what is wrong and how it can be fixed.

On other the hand, those who are growing older in age begin to see changes to their body that they are unhappy with or causing them unbearable pain, often times wondering if they are able to correct it given their age. These patients often ask: am I too young or old? Is there even a minimum or maximum age for breast reduction

For the Young Seeking Breast Reduction

No, there is no minimum age for breast reduction. Minors may undergo a breast reduction with approval from their parents. Age is not necessarily a large issue, but typically it’s best to wait until you are bit older – giving you time to understand your body and because your body is still in its development stage.

However, an alarming issue is that arises is that breasts may continue to grow after the procedure is performed, which would require another breast reduction. This is why it’s best to wait until a doctor believes your breasts have been fully developed. It depends on each individual, but typically women are fully developed by the age of 18, but may still have their breasts growing into their twenties.

The main concern here is: are you experiencing extreme pain with your breasts? If you are, then a breast reduction would be highly recommended. A reasonable candidate for surgery is a woman who is fully developed and mature enough to fully understand the procedure and its tradeoffs.

For the Old Seeking Breast Reduction

No, there is no maximum age for breast reduction surgery. The main cause of concern with older patients is whether or not the patient’s body is healthy enough to support a breast reduction procedure. Typically, as long as a patient is in good health, then a surgeon will agree to perform the procedure. Your surgeon or primary care physician will determine if you are in “good health” for the procedure.

Consult with a Board-Certified Professional

No matter how much information you manage to find online or through other sources such as family and friends, if your large breasts are truly a concern for you, then you should always seek out a professional’s opinion. They will be able to provide you with an insightful answer that’s based on a thorough in-person evaluation, as well as inform you of any complications or risks that may arise.

Are Liposuction Results Permanent?

A common question many people wonder in regards to liposuction is if the results are permanent or will the fat come back after a procedure. These questions are legitimate questions to ask before making a life-altering decision to your body.

The short answer to the above questions is: no. No, the results are not permanent and no, the fat will not come back after the procedure. It sounds contradicting but let your surgeon explain.

It’s All In The Fat

Most people contain fat cells that are highly concentrated in certain areas – something that is pre-determined before we become adults. When fat cells grow larger, then our weight increases. When fat cells decrease in size, then our weight decreases.

When a patient undergoes liposuction surgery, fat cells are removed in these concentrated areas, helping to provide a more proportionate figure. The fat cells that are removed do not grow back and are permanently gone.

However, you can still gain weight after a liposuction procedure. The difference is that any weight gained will not be as concentrated in the areas that were targeted for fat cell removal. This means that your body will gain weight proportionately, improving the contour of the body. This also works for losing weight as well.

Liposuction Does Not Equate To Laziness

The natural aging process will also change the shape of our body, but generally, the figure that is gained from a liposuction procedure has a great possibility to remain as long as you keep a strict dieting and exercise regimen.

Liposuction does not give anyone a free ride to eating more junk, or comfort food. It just simply means that you can now have a level of control over the areas you were having a hard time trying to sculpt through rigorous exercise and dieting.

Liposuction is not a procedure for everyone and should be considered after you have already tried losing weight through exercise and dieting.

You can read more about liposuction and common myths associated with the procedure or contact a board-certified plastic surgeon for more information.

Should I Have My Breast Implants Replaced or Removed?

Breast implants have been around for a while and researchers have developed a 5th generation silicone implant that aimed at eliminating leakage, also referred to as “silicone-gel bleed”. They are more stable than previous generation implants and offer the greatest level of safety and satisfaction.

However, many women have breast implants they are satisfied with for many years, but then often wonder if they should remove or replace them for fear of complications they believe will occur sometime in the future. Sometimes, patients just want to return to their normal breast size. In any case, it’s common for patients to experience a period where they begin to question whether or not they should have their breast implants replaced or removed.

Los Angeles Breast Implant Surgeon Chimes In

Dr. Golshani sheds some light onto the situation that many women experience. “It all depends on the condition of your breast tissue, skin, etc. If your breasts are overly stretched, have severe thinning and/or striae (stretch marks), then removal without replacement can get complicated by a poor outcome and further lack of satisfaction on your side.”

Many surgeons recommend breast implant replacement over breast implant removal simply because implant removal involves a more complicated procedure that may result in slightly increased chances of complications arising. However, some women benefit from implant removal. It all depends on the individual.

Let a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Handle It

No matter what you read, hear, or see online in regards to considering breast implant revision, it’s always best practice to let a board certified plastic surgeon with adequate experience handle the situation because every woman’s body is different and these factors need to be considered in person before making any final judgments.

Dr. Golshani notes, “sometimes switching to smaller implants is a more desirable option to achieve the best outcome.” It is absolutely necessary to consult with a board certified professional in order to find out what outcome is best for you, your health, and your satisfaction.

Dr. Golshani is a board certified plastic surgeon that has been practicing for close to 14 years and provides plastic surgery procedures such as breast implants, breast augmentation, breast reduction and breast implant removal for his patients in Beverly Hills.

How to Fix Tuberous (or Tubular) Breasts?

Both females and males that have underdeveloped breasts due to a variety of reasons may suffer from a condition known as tubular breasts. The end result is breasts that do not have the same volume and fullness as fully developed breasts.

Patients that suffer from tuberous breasts, otherwise known as tubular breasts, often experience extreme emotional anguish, feeling embarrassed or self-conscious towards the situation – sometimes interfering with relationships as well.

Underdeveloped breasts have features such as small and narrowed breasts with enlarged, pointed nipples and large, puffy areolas. Breast asymmetry is often also associated with tubular breasts. Tubular breasts are also referred to as tuberous breasts, snoopy breasts, or hypoplastic breasts. A popular question patients have is: how do I fix my tubular breasts?

Breast Lift Surgeon Addresses the Concern

Dr. Golshani addresses this question that was asked on where you can find many other answers related to similar concerns regarding cosmetic procedures.

He notes: “Tuberous breasts can be corrected by breast augmentation with or without a circum-areolar breast lift otherwise known as a Benelli mastopexy. Whether the second portion of the operation is required depends on the degree of tuberosity of each breast, the degree of droopiness of the breasts, and the size of the areola.”

Have You Seen a Board Certified Surgeon?

Patients do report feeling pretty happy with themselves after fixing their tubular breasts!

Finding out exactly what procedure you should consider from various sources online should not dictate what you should decide on. A thorough examination by any board certified plastic surgeon, specifically a breast lift surgeon, would give you information that is accurate and insightful into your problem.

You would be able to receive information such as cost, how severe the “tuberosity” is in your breasts, how long your particular procedure would take, and of course – whether or not you would actually benefit from the procedure. This type of information is only obtainable by sitting down and consulting with an experienced professional. What may be the best way to fix your tubular breasts may not be the best way to fix someone else’s.

Many patients that have had the procedure often see a large boost to their self-confidence, allowing them to be much happier with themselves and with others.

Health Benefits of Breast Reduction

Can breast reduction surgery improve my health?

Breast reduction surgery is one of the most common breast procedures performed. Studies have been performed showing improved health in women who made the decision to undergo the procedure. In short, the health benefits of breast reduction can improve the quality of your life.

The Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery published a study showing a “significant improvement in breast appearance, psychosocial well-being, sexual well-being, and physical well-being.” The study goes on to mention that overall satisfaction is correlated with the satisfaction of breast appearance. What does this mean? This means that patients seeking a breast reduction should seek out a plastic and reconstructive surgeon that is experienced, board-certified, and understanding of a patient’s concerns.

Cosmetic reasons are one thing, but the emotional and physical impact that occurs with a breast reduction surgery is the main reason patients opt for the procedure. It’s a mental and physical enhancement that will help you restore confidence in yourself. Restored confidence goes a long way in improving your health.

The health benefits of breast reduction are not just psychological, but physical as well. Many patients report liberation from the back pains, shoulder pains from bra straps, neck pains, headaches, and other pins associated with the discomfort of heavy breasts.

An important factor that aids in improved health from a breast reduction is the fact that you will be more inclined to stay physical. The mental challenge of visiting a gym in fear of your own breasts can take a toll on you both mentally and physically. Restoring that confidence within you is the best motivation you’ll receive.

So, can breast reduction surgery improve your health? We’re inclined to say that yes, breast reduction can and will improve your health in ways that you will not come to expect.

Common Breast Reduction Concerns

Are you thinking of getting a breast reduction, but are unsure? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many of my patients often have concerns regarding the procedure and its efficacy. Here are some common breast reduction concerns I have encountered as an experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeon:

I’m afraid I may lose sensation of my nipples.

You shouldn’t be because the technique I use ensures that nipple sensation will stay intact. There’s a chance that you will have some sensation lost, but this is only temporary and is restored when the healing process is completed.

Will I be able to breastfeed after breast reduction surgery?

Yes, breastfeeding is still possible after the procedure. Generally, you are able to produce more milk the more time it’s been since your surgery, as your body needs time to heal.

What risks or complications are there from having breast reduction surgery?

Risks and complications are very rare, especially because of the precision used in the procedure. Risks and complications include minor bleeding, scarring, infection, and general pain in the area. Antibiotics are used to fight off infection and painkillers are prescribed to fend off unwanted pain.

Does my insurance cover the procedure?

You may have to call your insurance company to find out but typically insurance companies do not provide coverage as they feel large breasts can be treated with weight loss. However, you could follow our process of meeting breast reduction criteria as well as read more on breast reduction insurance.

Can Exercise Reduce My Breast Size?

This is a great question because many patients will often look to alternatives before considering a breast reduction procedure. Surgery is generally a last resort for most as it generally gives patients a level of anxiety that they are not comfortable with.

Can Exercise Reduce Breast Size?

First, you should understand what breasts are physically comprised of. Every woman’s breasts contain blood vessels, milk ducts, lymph nodes, lobes, lobules, and of course, fat.

With this in mind, it makes sense that burning calories would result in trimming fat from your breasts. As such, that’s exactly what happens: your breast fat will reduce with exercise, but don’t expect it to decrease dramatically. Most people are unable to achieve dramatic results because the average American does not perform the level of exercise required to make a significant difference in breast size.

Other factors play a role too. Genetics is always a huge factor is a variety of cases. This means that if your parents had large breasts, then you will most likely also have large breasts, despite vigorous workouts to reduce size.

Don’t Just Perform Cardio

Many women find that instead of just burning calories to burn fat, it’s also better to incorporate strength-training exercises to help tone the definition of your breasts. Exercises such as push-ups and other chest exercises can provide results, while also burning calories at the same time and improving the health of other organs in your body.

Works Both Ways

Just as exercise may reduce breast size, gaining weight could increase size. It’s important to incorporate exercise into your routine at least a few times a week to make sure you maintain a healthy, comfortable weight.

So Why Do People Choose Surgery?

Surgery is often the best choice when a woman’s breasts interfere with their daily routine and/or affects the quality of their life. Also, when exercise does not seem to make a difference, then women may turn to breast surgery to get the desired results they seek.

Difference Between a Breast Lift versus a Breast Implant?

When you see the words “breast lift” and “breast implants”, you probably get this idea that they are more or less the same, right? They are actually two different procedures.

Difference Between Breast Lifts and Breast Implants

First off, it’s important to understand that both procedures are done for cosmetic reasons. However, a breast reduction procedure is usually performed for both cosmetic and physical reasons.

Breast implants aim for one goal regarding a woman’s chest: to enlarge the appearance of her breasts. Women want to feel confident inside of their bodies and breast implants are a great way to restore confidence in an area that they may be unsatisfied with.

Breast lifts do not enlarge the breasts, but they may naturally appear larger when lifted. Implants are not added during a breast lift procedure but often times many women opt for breast implants along with their breast lift for a complete breast makeover that results in added volume, fullness, and definition to their breasts.

Why would a woman choose to have a breast lift?

Women seek breast lifts to compensate for sagging breasts, or breasts that droop downwards. Aging is a natural process that will potentially sag a woman’s breasts over time due to a loss in skin elasticity. Other factors such as pregnancy can also cause this phenomenon. Some women have breasts that develop this way during puberty. There are many factors that determine the way a woman’s breasts will appear.

Breasts that sag will not affect your health in ways that large breasts can and most often times do. If you are young, then it is best to wait until your breasts are fully developed before you make a life-changing decision. Breast development typically begins shortly after puberty in women around the ages of 15-18. Many factors may change the way your breasts develop, but generally you should wait until the age of 25 to see if any changes occur before deciding on any breast procedure – not just breast lifts.

What are the Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery?

When it comes to ‘boob jobs’, the first thought that comes to many people’s minds are breast enhancements. Breast reduction, or reduction mammoplasty, procedures are gaining popularity in both female and male, for aesthetic and non-aesthetic reasons. During a breast reduction, a plastic surgeon removes some of the skin and tissue from breasts to reshape and reduce the size of the breast.

Celebrity gossip outlets are touting news about breast reductions in celebrities such as Victoria Beckham. According to statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2012 approximately 42,022 aesthetic breast reduction procedures were performed, while 20,723 men underwent breast reduction or gynecomastia, an increase of 5% from 2011. So why is this procedure gaining popularity? According to the Mayo Clinic, the procedure is commonly done to resolve issues such as:

  • Sagging breasts or stretched skin – Large breasts can stretch the skin and sag, causing the breasts to have stretch marks.
  • Back, neck and shoulder pain – The weight of large breast can cause shoulder to hunch forward, therefore causing strain on the upper back, neck and shoulders.
  • Rash or skin irritation under breasts – The rubbing of heavy breasts against the skin can cause irritation.
  • Poor posture – This is caused by the weight of the breasts pulling on the shoulders, causing one to hunch over.
  • Restricted activity – Often times, large breasts can cause people to be restricted from running or performing other cardio activities.
  • Difficulty fitting into clothing
  • Low self-esteem and embarrassment – Large breasts can often draw unwanted attention or can cause the body to look disproportionate.

Breast reduction surgery can help resolve these issues. After recovery, patients find that any upper back pain has been relived and they are able to participate in physical activities that they had previously felt restricted from performing. Breasts feel firmer, more evenly proportioned, and lighter, relieving physical discomfort or pain caused by large breasts. Overall self-esteem and self-confidence of patients often increase over the recovery time, as swelling and bruising dissipate. While the results of a breast reduction can be long-lasting, breasts can age over time due to weight change, hormones, and gravity.

Prior to undergoing surgery, it’s important to consult with your plastic surgeon about any questions or concerns you may have. Interested in finding out more about a breast reduction? Call our offices to schedule a consultation with our double board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Daniel Golshani.