
Liposuction in Beverly Hills

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that slims and reshapes areas of your body where pockets of unwanted fat resist slimming with diet and exercise. It is considered a minimally invasive procedure, requiring only small incisions to insert thin tubes or cannulas. Today’s technology allows Dr. Golshani to use his incredibly safe, effective, and technically advanced liposuction methods in his Beverly Hills Surgical Suites for refined contours and a seamless recovery. Liposuction can sculpt nearly any body area, including the abdomen, hips, upper arms, thighs, neck, and buttocks. As it is an effective body-contouring treatment, liposuction is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States.

As an added benefit, some fat removed through liposuction can be purified and used to add volume to another part of the body or face in a fat grafting or liposculpture procedure. Fat grafting can add roundness to the cheeks, fill hollows under the eyes, plump the lips, or add fullness to the breasts or buttocks.

Daniel Golshani, MD, FACS performs liposuction to help men and women in Beverly Hills and the greater Los Angeles area achieve sculpted body contours by ridding them of stubborn fat deposits. Double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Golshani, has deep expertise and considerable experience in body and facial cosmetic surgery. Dr. Golshani has earned international recognition for the beautiful, natural quality of his results and innovations in surgical techniques. His caring focus on each patient begins with their initial consultation and carries into their recovery and follow-up. Patients come to him from around the world for his surgical skills, his thoroughness in planning personalized treatments, and his holistic approach to improving patients’ lives.

To learn more about the body contouring improvements possible through liposuction, contact us to reserve your private consultation with Dr. Golshani.

Why You Might Consider Liposuction in Beverly Hills with Dr. Golshani

It can be frustrating to find that, despite your best efforts at eating well and exercising, certain areas of your body retain stubborn fat deposits. This is when liposuction becomes an ideal solution for many people. Liposuction can put the finishing touches on your body- and health-improvement efforts by removing fat from the:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Upper Arms
  • Back
  • Chest and Breasts
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Calves and Ankles
  • Neck and Chin

The targets of liposuction are sometimes different for men and women. Liposuction can give men a more masculine look by removing fatty tissue from the breasts. In women, it can be used as part of a female breast reduction procedure. Or, for women who would like more breast volume, unwanted fat might be removed from the waist, thighs, or elsewhere on the body and added to the breasts, using fat grafting.

Additional Benefits Of Liposuction

In addition to cosmetic improvements, liposuction can bring other life-changing benefits, including:

before and after liposuction left side view of female patient 2
  • Decreased back pain
  • Improved posture
  • Dramatically increased motivation to stay healthy and fit
  • Freedom to wear your preferred clothing
  • Renewed pride in your appearance
  • Significant boost in self-esteem and self-confidence

It’s important to note that liposuction is a body contouring procedure, rather than a weight loss procedure. While liposuction removes unwanted fat, the procedure focuses on sculpting specific areas, not overall fat reduction.

Liposuction May Treat Specific Conditions

Liposuction may be a successful treatment option for the following conditions:


A chronic condition in which excess lymph fluid collects in your tissues causing edema or swelling. This swelling is commonly seen in the arms or legs. Liposuction is sometimes used to reduce swelling, discomfort, and pain.


A condition where males develop fatty tissue in the breast area, creating feminine-looking breasts.

Lipodystrophy syndrome

A condition where fat is disproportionately distributed in someone’s body. Liposuction can remove fat and improve contours for a more attractive body shape.

Extreme weight loss after obesity

After losing a substantial amount of weight, it’s common to have either stubborn pockets of fat or excess skin to remove. While a tummy tuck is more appropriate for removing excess skin, liposuction may be a good option for removing a lasting area of fat.

Meet Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon
Daniel Golshani, MD, FACS

Dr. Golshani is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who is committed to enhancing your natural beauty. With a focus on balance, harmony, and symmetry, he is passionate about making aesthetic goals a reality at his Beverly Hills practice. We are not only dedicated to your personal cosmetic beauty, but also to ensuring your health, safety, and comfort.

Planning Your Beverly Hills Liposuction Procedure

before and after liposuction left angle view of female patient 1

Your consultation with Dr. Golshani is a critical step in planning your successful liposuction procedure. A patient coordinator will meet with you briefly before Dr. Golshani joins the consultation and will stay in the room to take notes. Dr. Golshani will ask questions to better understand your goals and details of your medical history. He will examine you to assess the extent and location of excess fat on your body and your skin’s resilience, and then he will recommend a treatment approach. He will explain what you can expect throughout the process, how to prepare for the procedure and care for yourself afterward, your likely outcome, and your risks.

Dr. Golshani will also answer any questions about the procedure, and then the patient coordinator will answer your non-surgical questions. Dr. Golshani’s goal for the consultation is to ensure you can make informed decisions about the surgery understand how to best prepare yourself for the procedure and care for yourself afterward.

Are You a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Liposuction is an amazing treatment option, but it is not right for everyone. If you are seeking overall weight loss, for example, liposuction is likely not the best option for you.

You are likely a good candidate for Beverly Hills Liposuction if you:

  • Have specific areas of excess fat on your body suitable for slimming with liposuction
  • Are within 20 to 30 pounds of your ideal body weight
  • Have good skin tone and elasticity
  • Are in good overall health
  • Do not smoke, or can quit smoking for six weeks before and after the surgery
  • Have realistic expectations for the treatment outcome
  • Understand the surgical risks

For best results, areas treated with liposuction should have resilient skin that will tighten and smooth naturally after the fat is removed. If you have mild skin laxity, the treatment can be enhanced with thermal, laser, or ultrasound technologies to remove fat and tighten the skin. If you have moderate to advanced skin sagging, Dr Golshani may recommend combining liposuction with a surgical lifting and tightening procedure, such as a tummy tuck, arm lift, thigh lift, or neck lift.

How to Prepare for Your Liposuction Procedure

Dr. Golshani will provide specific instructions on how to prepare for your treatment. These may include measures to take in the weeks before surgery, such as stopping smoking and fortifying your health, and short-term measures, such as discontinuing certain medications and avoiding herbal supplements in the days just before your procedure.

Creating Positive Outcomes


What to Expect on the Day of Your Beverly Hills Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction is performed on an outpatient basis, using either general anesthesia or a local anesthetic with sedation. The procedure is performed in our state-of-the-art surgical center, the Rexford Surgical Institute, located in our building on the same floor as our office.

Once you are numbed and sedated or asleep, a tumescent fluid is injected into the treatment area. This solution is made of saline to expand the fatty tissue, lidocaine to numb the tissue, and epinephrine to minimize bleeding. Dr. Golshani will make small incisions, just large enough to insert a thin surgical tube, or cannula, through which the fat is extracted with suction. Movement of the cannula, thermal heating, laser energy, or ultrasound may be used to help break up the fat, and some of these methods enhance skin resilience for post-treatment tightening.

Dr. Golshani takes great care in removing fat symmetrically and evenly for smooth, natural-looking plastic surgery results. Some fat must be left to ensure skin health. When sufficient fat has been removed from the treated areas, the liposuction incisions are closed.

Once the effects of the anesthesia have worn off and you are fully alert, a trusted friend or family member can drive you home.

What to Expect After Your Liposuction Procedure

Plan to rest at home for a few days. You can expect some swelling and bruising that will gradually subside over the next 2 to 3 weeks. Any discomfort you experience can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. In some cases, you can return to your job after 2 to 3 days as long as you do not perform strenuous work. Refrain from lifting, running, or other physically demanding tasks while you heal.

Dr. Golshani and his surgical team will provide thorough instructions on how to care for yourself as you recover and when to return for follow-up visits.

As the swelling resolves, you will see the final results in about six months.

Schedule Your Liposuction Consultation in Beverly Hills

Contact us today to schedule your private consultation with Dr. Golshani to learn how liposuction grafting can improve your body’s contours.

Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction

The price of liposuction depends primarily on how many areas you’d like to treat, how much fat you would like removed, and how long those areas take to work on. The best way to get a cost estimate is to set up a consultation with Dr. Golshani and his surgical team so that you can discuss your goals for your improved body shape.

At our offices in Beverly Hills, we practice the highest standards of safety and care. While all procedures have some level of risk, Dr. Golshani’s extensive education and rigorous surgical training ensure that you are in safe hands. The rare complications that may occur with liposuction, or any surgery, include bleeding, skin ulcers, infection, or nerve injury. Dr. Golshani and his team will go above and beyond to make sure you are safe and comfortable during and after your procedure.

The fat cells extracted with liposuction are removed permanently. They will not grow back, and fat from other parts of your body will not migrate to the area to replace them. However, while the extracted fat cells will not return, the remaining fat cells in your body can grow in size if you gain weight. For optimal long-term results, adopt healthy eating and exercise habits to maintain a stable weight.

In some cases, liposuction can indirectly make cellulite somewhat less noticeable by thinning the layer of fat that lies below it. However, overall, liposuction doesn’t remove cellulite. The bumps and dimples of cellulite are caused by fat near the skin’s surface and fibrous tissue called septa bands that pull the skin.

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We invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Daniel Golshani, or to ask questions about a procedure or treatment by completing our online form. You can also call us at (310) 274-3481.

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