Breast Implant Removal & Capsulectomy in Beverly Hills
Breast implant removal is surgery to remove breast implants. You might choose to have your implants removed for personal reasons—you no longer wish to have breast implants, for example—or because of a problem with your body’s reactions to implants. In some cases, implant removal is combined with capsulectomy, surgery to remove the layer of scar tissue (the capsule) that naturally forms around the implants. Capsulectomy might be necessary after silicone gel implants have leaked into the surrounding tissue, or when the capsular scar tissue has hardened and thickened in a reaction known as capsular contracture.
Breast implant removal can be combined with a breast lift to reshape the breasts into a more attractive shape. You might also choose to have the implants replaced with a different type or size in a procedure known as breast implant revision.
Daniel Golshani, MD, FACS in Beverly Hills performs breast implant removal and capsulectomy to correct implant concerns and help women achieve more balanced and harmonious proportions. Dr. Golshani is a double-board-certified plastic surgeon with substantial expertise and extensive experience in body, breast, and facial cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. With international recognition from his patients and medical colleagues, Dr. Golshani is known for the beautiful, natural quality of his results and innovations in surgical techniques. His caring focus on each patient begins with the initial consultation and carries into their recovery and follow-up.
To learn how breast implant removal surgery with Dr. Golshani, with or without capsulectomy, can help you, contact us to set up your private consultation.
Why You Might Consider Breast Implant Removal in Beverly Hills with Dr. Golshani
You might choose to have your breast implants removed as a matter of personal preference. For example, you might:
- Wish to have a slimmer figure
- Experience discomfort from larger breasts, especially when exercising or other physical activities
- No longer want to have artificial implants in your body
If you’re considering implant replacement, you might:
- Want to change implant type from silicone to saline or from saline to silicone
- Want to change implant size to have smaller or larger breasts
You might want your breast implants removed because of problems with the original implants or your body’s reaction to them. These can include:
- Implant rupture or leak
- Implant malposition, such as when an implant shifts up, down, or to the side
- Pain from the implants due to capsular contracture, hardened and thickened scar tissue
- Unwanted changes in breast size or shape
- Bleeding, inflammation, or infection around the implants
- Concern about the reliability of mammography cancer screenings because of the implants
- Evidence of BIA-ALCL, a rare form of lymphoma that has been found to be associated with certain textured implants
What Are the Options for Breast Implant Removal?
Dr. Golshani will recommend one of four basic approaches to your breast implant removal, depending on the problem to be corrected, your goals for cosmetic change, and your feelings about continuing to have breast implants.
Simple Breast Implant Removal
In this approach, the implants are removed and not replaced, and the tissue surrounding the implant is left in place. This approach might be taken if you are having the implants removed for personal reasons, rather than any problems. It might also be the appropriate option following cosmetic concerns, such as saline implant rupture. Leaked saline implants present no health risk to surrounding tissue, but the ruptured implant leaves the affected breast deflated and smaller. Removing both implants brings the breasts back to their original symmetry.
Simple Breast Implant Replacement
Simple implant replacement helps change the size, shape, or type of implants, and the tissue around the implants is healthy. In this approach, the original implants are removed, and new implants are placed in the same pockets, either within the breast tissue or behind the chest muscle. No damaged tissue is removed.
Implant Removal with Capsulectomy
If a silicone implant ruptures and silicone gel leaks, or if the tissue around the implants has thickened and hardened due to capsular contracture, a layer of the surrounding tissue is removed along with the implants. The procedure is known as en bloc breast implant removal.
Implant Removal and Breast Lift
When breast implants are removed without replacement, the breasts can be left with a hollow or deflated appearance. Breast sagging may also be noticeable without the added volume of the implants. Combining a breast lift with implant removal reshapes the breasts to an attractive, rounded form and corrects sagging. The nipple may be raised to a more youthful position and the areola reduced in size, as needed.
Meet Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon
Daniel Golshani, MD, FACS
Dr. Golshani is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who is committed to enhancing your natural beauty. With a focus on balance, harmony, and symmetry, he is passionate about making aesthetic goals a reality at his Beverly Hills practice. We are not only dedicated to your personal cosmetic beauty, but also to ensuring your health, safety, and comfort.
Planning Your Los Angeles Breast Implant Removal Surgery
Your consultation with Dr. Golshani is a critical step in planning your successful breast implant removal procedure. A patient coordinator will meet with you briefly before Dr. Golshani joins the consultation and will stay in the room to take notes. Dr. Golshani will ask questions to understand your reasons for wanting the implants removed and your goals for the change. He’ll also ask about any problems you’ve experienced with the implants and review your medical history. He will examine you to assess the dimensions and shape of your chest frame and breasts and the extent of skin laxity in your breasts. If you want to replace the implants, an important part of the consultation will be browsing many before and after photos so Dr. Golshani can understand your hopes for your changed breast size.
Based on your discussion with Dr. Golshani about your goals, his examination, and your medical history, he will recommend an approach to implant removal or replacement or combining the procedure with a breast lift. He will also explain what you can expect throughout the process, how to prepare for surgery and care for yourself afterward, your likely outcome, and your risks.
While Dr. Golshani will answer any questions about the surgery, our patient coordinator will answer your non-surgical questions. Dr. Golshani wants to ensure you have the information to make an educated decision about the surgery and understand your role in preparing yourself for your procedure and caring for yourself afterward.
What to Expect on the Day of Your Los Angeles Breast Implant Removal Surgery
Breast implant removal surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, using general anesthesia, in our state-of-the-art surgical center, the Rexford Surgical Institute, which is in our building on the same floor as our office. Breast implant removal surgery usually takes between two and three hours.
Incisions are typically made along the original incision lines to minimize additional scarring. Dr. Golshani will remove the implants and any damaged, hardened, or inflamed tissue. He may also shift tissues within the breast to create a more rounded, natural-looking shape.
If the implants are being replaced, he will insert the new implants into the same pockets within the breasts or below the chest muscles. If implant removal is combined with a breast lift, he will raise the profile of the breast and may reposition the nipple and areola.
Following your surgery, you’ll be released after the anesthesia has worn off and you are fully alert. You can go home with a trusted friend or family member to drive you and stay with you for at least the first night. Or you might choose to stay in our aftercare facility during the first stage of your recovery.
What to Expect After Your Breast Implant Removal Surgery
Plan to rest at home for a few days after surgery. While you can expect to experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising, you should not have any severe pain. A compression bra will help minimize post-operative swelling and promote healing. Dr. Golshani will provide thorough instructions on how to care for yourself as you recover and when to return for follow-up visits.
Most patients can return to light work within a week. Others with strenuous jobs may need another week or two off work. You’ll be able to resume light physical activity after two weeks, gradually building up to your normal activity level at four to six weeks after surgery.
Schedule Your Breast Implant Removal Consultation in Beverly Hills
Contact us today to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Golshani to learn more about breast implant removal surgery. Patients come to Dr. Golshani from around the world for his surgical skill, the beautiful, natural quality of his results, his thorough planning of personalized treatments, and his holistic approach to improving his patients’ lives.
FAQs about Breast Implant Removal
As the post-operative swelling resolves in the weeks after your surgery, your breasts will gradually return to the size they were before the implants were placed with some changes due to weight fluctuations or childbearing. It will take time, though, for your breasts to regain a rounded shape. Removing the implants leaves a gap inside each breast where the tissue has been pushed aside. This can result in a hollow or indented appearance where the implants have been. It can take a few months for your breast tissue to shift position and fill these gaps.
A breast lift can help to reshape your breasts after implant removal and correct any sagging that has developed. Fat transfer can also add volume to your breasts and improve their shape after implant removal.
Breast revision surgery is a surgical procedure to correct or improve the results of a previous breast augmentation. For instance, our patients interested in Breast Implant Removal and Replacement Surgery express unhappiness with the size of their current implant breasts. Other patients may be concerned with correcting aesthetic problems or complications arising from a previous Breast Augmentation, such as asymmetric breasts, a ruptured implant, or excess scar tissue.
If you decide to remove your Breast Implants without replacement, this procedure is known as explant surgery. Explanation surgery entails reshaping your natural breast tissue following the removal of Breast Implants. Many of Dr. Golshani’s patients choose a Breast Lift or other procedure in conjunction with their explant surgery to address skin laxity or achieve a desired breast shape.
If your Breast Implants are looking and feeling great, there might be no reason to consider replacing them. However, breast implants are still not considered lifetime devices. While Breast Implants do not have a specific expiration date, Dr. Golshani suggests considering evaluation or replacement around the 10-15 year mark. Factors such as implant integrity, changes in breast tissue, or personal preferences will help determine if and when your implants may need to be replaced. Regular follow-up appointments and monitoring are recommended.
Silicone Breast Implants are considered safe and are widely used in Breast Augmentation and Reconstruction. They have been extensively studied and approved by health authorities such as the FDA. However, as with any medical device, there are risks and potential complications, so it’s important to discuss these with your surgeon.
Most Breast Implant manufacturers offer warranties or guarantees, which may cover implant replacement in case of rupture or certain other complications. It’s important to discuss the specifics with Dr. Golshani and his surgical team and understand the terms of the warranty.
Healing occurs differently for each patient. For most patients, the body creates a capsule of scar tissue following a Breast Augmentation procedure which is protective and appropriate. In rare instances, however, Capsular Contracture results, and the scar tissue (capsule) naturally forming around a Breast Implant tightens and hardens. This can cause discomfort, changes in breast appearance, and sometimes pain. It can occur due to various factors, including inflammation, infection, or the body’s reaction to the implant.
Signs of capsular contracture include increased firmness of the breast, changes in shape or symmetry, discomfort, or pain. If you suspect this condition, consult with Dr. Golshani for an evaluation.
The specifics of Breast Revision Surgery depend on the individual case. It typically involves removing or replacing implants, adjusting the implant pocket, or addressing complications or aesthetic concerns. Recovery and outcomes vary based on the extent of the surgery.
Breast Implant Removal procedures are typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure your comfort and safety during surgery. One of Dr. Golshani’s incredibly experienced board-certified anesthesiologists will take excellent care of you throughout the procedure.
Most of our patients prefer to have someone accompany them after surgery to provide support and assistance, especially during the initial recovery period.
Dr. Golshani’s surgical staff will provide you with a specialized post-surgical bra to help heal, minimize swelling, and provide comfort. It is very important that you follow Dr. Golshani’s instructions regarding bra wear during the recovery period.
Recovery after Breast Implant Removal Surgery involves rest, limited arm movements, and avoiding strenuous activities for a few weeks. Our surgical coordinators will provide specific post-operative instructions, including guidelines on when you can gradually resume exercise.