Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation in Beverly Hills, CA

Breast augmentation is surgery to enhance the size and shape of your breasts, either with implants or by transferring fat to your breasts from elsewhere on your body. Breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures and has one of the highest patient satisfaction ratings. While the changes a breast augmentation makes are physical—improving your body’s contours and balance—the most important benefits can be boosting your self-esteem and self-confidence.

Daniel Golshani, MD, FACS in Beverly Hills performs breast augmentation to help women look and feel better about themselves. Dr. Golshani is a double board-certified plastic surgeon with substantial expertise and extensive experience in body, breast, and facial cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. He has earned international recognition from his patients and medical colleagues for the beautiful, natural quality of his results and his innovations in surgical techniques. His caring focus on each patient begins with the initial consultation and continues through recovery and follow-up. Patients come to him from around the world for his surgical skills, his thoroughness in planning personalized treatments, and his holistic approach to improving patients’ lives.

To learn more about breast augmentation surgery with Dr. Golshani, contact us to set up your private consultation.

Choosing Breast Augmentation in Beverly Hills with Dr. Golshani

Breast augmentation, either with implants or fat transfer, can reshape your breasts and enhance your body’s curves. You might choose to have breast augmentation because your breasts are naturally small or because the fullness of your breasts has changed with age, having children, or significant weight loss or to correct breast asymmetry.

The physical benefits of breast augmentation include:

  • Increasing the size of your breasts
  • Improving the shape of your breasts
  • Making your breasts more symmetrical
  • Bringing the size and shape of your breasts into better harmony with your other features

The emotional and lifestyle benefits are often even more significant. These can include:

  • Boosting your self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Making you feel younger and more energetic
  • Freeing you to wear the clothes you prefer 
  • Widening your social opportunities
  • Increasing your comfort with, and feelings of, sexuality

It’s important to note that breast augmentation by itself does not correct significant breast sagging. If you’re bothered by sagging breasts, a breast lift is probably the solution for you. Breast lifts may be combined with breast augmentation to both raise breast position and add fullness.

What Are the Options for Breast Augmentation?

Dr. Golshani customizes each breast augmentation procedure to harmonize with the unique features of the patient’s body and fulfill the patient’s unique wishes for personal change. In a collaborative consultation, Dr. Golshani will offer expert guidance as you choose from many breast augmentation options, including:

Implant Type

  • Saline implants are flexible shells filled with a sterile saline solution. Some patients prefer saline implants as the saline offers no negative health effects if the shell were to leak or rupture. However, if that happens, deflation can be noticeable, leaving one breast smaller or flatter. To minimize this cosmetic risk, “structured” or Ideal implants may be used. These hold the saline solution in separate chambers so that only a small portion will be lost in the event of a rupture. 

  • Silicone implants are made with long-lasting flexible shells, but they are filled with silicone gel that more closely matches the density of breast tissue. This can result in a more natural look and feel than saline implants. When a silicone implant ruptures, the change may not be noticeable as the gel typically stays in place. Because of this, more regular mammograms or MRIs are recommended for women with silicone implants so that when ruptures are detected, the implant can be removed to reduce the chance of silicone gel spreading into surrounding tissue. Dr. Golshani may recommend “gummy bear” implants to minimize this risk. These are made from a more congealed silicone that stays in place and holds its shape when a shell ruptures.

Implants or Fat Grafting

The first choice is whether to enhance the breasts with implants or through fat grafting. Implants are long-lasting shells filled with silicone or saline material that closely match the resilience and feel of natural breast tissue. If you’re looking for moderate breast enhancement, you might choose to have your fat transferred into your breasts, without placing any manufactured material in the breasts.

Implant Shape

Implants are made in two main shapes. Round or circular implants add fullness evenly to the upper and lower portions of the breast. Contoured or “teardrop” implants add more fullness to the lower portion of the breast.

Implant Size

Implants are made in different widths and thicknesses. The width is chosen based on your chest frame. The thickness is chosen to create the projection wanted. A thinner implant will create a lower profile when the breast is viewed from the side, while a thicker implant will create a higher profile.

Implant Placement

Dr. Golshani will recommend placing the implants within the breast tissue (subglandular placement) or behind the chest muscles (subpectoral placement) based on your anatomy, the expected changes, and the physical activities you engage in.

Incision Placement

The placement of the incisions for the surgery will be determined by the changes being made. They might be made in a circle or half-circle around the edge of the areola (periareolar incision) or along the curved crease below the breast (inframammary incision). Dr. Golshani is exceptionally skilled at placing and closing incisions so that the resulting scars are as unnoticeable as possible.

Fat Grafting with Liposuction

When you want a modest increase in breast size and would prefer not to have implants, fat transfer to breast may be the ideal option. This procedure is an excellent option if you have unwanted excess fat on another part of your body—for example, your thighs, abdomen, or hips. Liposuction removes unwanted fat for a slimmer contour where that is wanted. The extracted fat is then processed for injection into the breasts.

Real Case Studies, Real Results

Words can only do so much when it comes to life-changing results. However, I’d like to show you a couple of cases of my own patients who cannot be happier with their results.

before and after shots breast limplants left side view of female patient

This patient wanted the natural breasts she had always dreamed of, and came in confidently knowing what she aimed for. After receiving her breast augmentation she instantly knew that her procedure was the best decision, boosting her confidence to new heights.

before and after shots breast implants front view of female patient

This patient had personally struggled with her small natural breasts, and came in for a breast enhancement procedure to meet her ideal self. During her procedure we also corrected her areolas to fit her new fuller breasts proportionately, giving them a natural look. Six months later she was still thrilled with her new look, and had a great sense of self worth.

Meet Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon
Daniel Golshani, MD, FACS

Dr. Golshani is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who is committed to enhancing your natural beauty. With a focus on balance, harmony, and symmetry, he is passionate about making aesthetic goals a reality at his Beverly Hills practice. We are not only dedicated to your personal cosmetic beauty, but also to ensuring your health, safety, and comfort.

Planning Your Los Angeles Breast Augmentation Surgery

Your consultation with Dr. Golshani is a critical step in planning your successful breast augmentation. A patient coordinator will meet with you briefly before Dr. Golshani joins the consultation and will stay in the room to take notes on what is discussed and decided. Dr. Golshani will ask questions to understand your goals for the surgery and your medical history. He will then examine you to assess the dimensions and shape of your chest frame and breasts and the extent of laxity (sagging) in your breasts. An important part of the consultation is browsing many before and after pictures so Dr. Golshani can understand what your hopes are for your breast size. 

Based on what you tell Dr. Golshani about your goals and what he learns from the examination and your medical history, he will recommend an approach to augmentation. If you would like to have implants, he will guide you through the decisions around implant type, size, and shape. If you are interested in fat transfer, he will examine you to understand if you are a candidate for liposuction. He will also take the time to explain what you can expect throughout the breast augmentation process, how to prepare for surgery and care for yourself afterward, your likely outcome, and your risks. 

Dr. Golshani will answer any questions you may have about the surgery, and the patient coordinator will meet with you afterward to answer all of your non-surgical questions. For Dr. Golshani, it’s important to ensure you have all the necessary information to make an informed decision about the surgery and understand your role in preparing yourself for the procedure and caring for yourself afterward.

Are You a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

During your consultation, Dr. Golshani will inform you of whether you are a good candidate for breast augmentation. 

In general, the ideal candidate for breast augmentation:

  • Is unhappy with the small size or flattened shape of her breasts, or is bothered by asymmetrical or misshapen breasts
  • Is at least 18 years old
  • Is at a healthy and stable weight, and is not significantly overweight
  • Is not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Is in good overall health
  • Does not smoke, or can quit smoking for six weeks before and after the surgery
  • Has realistic expectations for the outcome of the surgery
  • Is aware of the risks

In general, breast augmentation is not the solution for sagging breasts. If this is your main concern, a breast lift may be a better option. A breast lift can be combined with a breast augmentation to add volume and correct sagging.

How to Prepare for Breast Augmentation Surgery

Dr. Golshani will provide specific instructions on how to prepare for your breast augmentation surgery. These may include measures to take in the weeks before surgery, such as stopping smoking and fortifying your health, and short-term measures, such as discontinuing certain medications and avoiding herbal supplements in the days just before your procedure.

Creating Positive Outcomes


What to Expect on the Day of Your Los Angeles Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast implant surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, using general anesthesia. Fat transfer breast augmentation using liposuction is usually performed using a local anesthetic and sedation. Both procedures are performed in our state-of-the-art surgical center, the Rexford Surgical Institute, in our building on the same floor as our office. 

For breast augmentation with implants, Incisions will be made following the surgical plan Dr. Golshani discussed with you in your consultation—either along the crease under the breast or around the areola. A pocket is created within the breast tissue or behind the chest muscle. The implant is then placed, the internal pocket closed with dissolvable sutures, and incisions in the skin closed with sutures, surgical tape, or skin adhesive. Breast implant surgery usually takes about one hour. The procedure can take longer if it is combined with a breast lift or another treatment. Breast augmentation using fat grafting and liposuction requires only small incisions for liposuction. 

Following your surgery, you’ll be released after the anesthesia has worn off and you are fully alert. You can go home with a trusted friend or family member to drive you and stay with you for at least the first night. Or you may stay in our aftercare facility during this first stage of your recovery.

What to Expect After Your Breast Augmentation Surgery

Plan to rest at home for a few days after surgery. While you can expect to experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising, you should not have any severe pain. A compression bra will help minimize post-operative swelling and promote healing. Dr. Golshani will provide thorough instructions on how to care for yourself as you recover and when to return for follow-up visits. 

Most patients return to non-physical work within one or two weeks. Others, especially those with strenuous jobs, may need another week or two off work. You’ll be able to resume light physical activity after two weeks, gradually building up to your normal activity level at four to six weeks after surgery.

Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Consultation in Beverly Hills

Contact us today to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Golshani to learn more about breast augmentation surgery. Patients come to Dr. Golshani from around the world for his surgical skill, the beautiful, natural quality of his results, his thorough planning of personalized treatments, and his holistic approach to improving his patients’ lives.

Breast Augmentation FAQs -Beverly Hills, CA

Many women are interested in getting breast implants but worry that this operation could interfere with their ability to breastfeed in the future. You can rest assured that Dr. Golshani’s techniques aim to avoid disrupting your milk supply. Some patients may experience nipples that are more sensitive following breast augmentation; however, most of our patients have no trouble breastfeeding their children following a Breast Implant procedure.

There are pros and cons to placing the implant over the muscle and under the muscle. Having the implants placed under the muscle is slightly more painful and has a relatively long recovery period. On the other hand, some studies show that when implants are under the muscle, there is improved long-term contour and less chance of interference with a mammogram. The chance of capsular contracture or breast hardening may also be decreased by positioning the implant under the muscle.

Dr. Golshani is incredibly skilled at selecting the best profile, style, and implant size for his patients during a comprehensive consultation. Factors such as your anatomy, desired outcomes, and aesthetic goals will help determine your preferences and enable Dr. Golshani to make the best choice for you. 

During the consultation with Dr. Golshani, you can try on sizers, review before-and-after photos, and discuss realistic expectations to help you achieve your desired results. Patients sincerely appreciate their consultation time with Dr. Golshani and his incredibly experienced surgical coordinators, as they can communicate their hopes for their breast augmentation procedure.

Dr. Golshani prefers using silicone implants, as they have a more natural look and feel and closely resemble patients’ natural breast tissue. In particular, “Gummy Bear” implants, or Cohesive Gel Implants, are a favorite as they offer a natural teardrop shape, maintain their form well, and are much safer for patients.

Factors such as your anatomy, implant type, and surgical technique will help achieve cleavage and decide the positioning of your breasts on your chest. Dr. Golshani will discuss options to enhance cleavage and placement during your consultation.

Dr. Golshani uses the Keller Funnel for all of his Breast Implant procedures. This device helps insert Breast Implants during surgery and effectively reduces tissue trauma, allows for smaller incisions, and lowers the risk of contamination. Dr. Golshani prefers using the Keller Funnel in his breast cases as it supports a more controlled and efficient implant placement process.

The “no-touch technique,” which Dr. Golshani and his entire surgical staff employ, involves minimizing direct contact with the implant and utilizing a sterile approach to reduce the risk of contamination. By using this technique, Dr. Golshani finds that implant integrity is more effectively maintained, and the likelihood of complications is significantly reduced.

Dr. Golshani might recommend internal bra techniques, such as using GalaFLEX scaffolds, for patients with thin or weak breast tissue. Such techniques may also be helpful for patients seeking additional support and longevity in their breast augmentation results. Issues such as the GalaFLEX scaffold can be addressed during your consultation with Dr. Golshani. 

Many of Dr. Golshani’s patients prefer to combine a Breast Lift With Implants, especially if they are concerned with breast sagging and volume enhancement. During your consultation, Dr. Golshani will assess your breast anatomy and discuss whether a lift is necessary to achieve your desired aesthetic outcome.

Breast Augmentation procedures are typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure your comfort and safety during surgery. One of Dr. Golshani’s incredibly experienced board-certified anesthesiologists will take excellent care of you throughout the procedure.

Deciding on the right implant style, size, and profile that is best suited for you is a profoundly personal decision and should be discussed during your consultation with your plastic surgeon. Body proportions and aesthetic goals are also critical factors in determining which implants are most suitable for your surgery. Other criteria to consider when choosing your breast implants are body type and anatomy, chest height and width, native breast tissue and natural skin capacity or laxity, activities and lifestyle, personal style and age, and breast implant shape, filler, diameter, and volume. Dr. Rohit Jaiswal, MD, is a board-certified, top 100 plastic surgeon, who has performed thousands of breast augmentation cases over his 10-year career. He will provide you with his expert feedback and input during your consultation so you can make an informed decision on which breast implants are right for you.

Most patients prefer silicone breast implants because they’re more natural and realistic feeling, like native breast tissue. The silicone gel filler contained within the implant best resembles the intrinsic texture, volume, and shape associated with naturally youthful, perky breasts. Choosing the right breast implants for your body is a deeply personal decision and involves many variables. It’s important to discuss your breast implant concerns and aesthetic goals with your plastic surgeon during your consultation to ensure you make the best decision for you.

Breast augmentation surgery can enhance your cleavage by closing the “gap”, or “space”, in between your breasts. This is accomplished by increasing your native breast size with implants large enough that can successfully narrow the space, or gap, between your breasts. There are limitations, however, to the amount of cleavage, and improvement, one can expect. And while some improvement is likely, it may be less than desired. Ultimately, it’s your anatomy and body proportions that define your cleavage, not your plastic surgeon. During your consultation precise measurements are taken, starting with the vertical midline of your chest, to the position of your pectoralis or chest muscles, and finally nipple placement. These are all factors to implant insertion and final placement. Your breast implants cannot be arbitrarily placed closer together, or repositioned artificially, to achieve more cleavage, without encountering complications that will lead to undesirable, or unnatural looking, outcomes. Optimal breast implant placement for each patient depends on their body type, aesthetic goals, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

The Keller funnel is a lubricated medical appliance that helps a plastic surgeon cleanly and precisely deliver your implants into your breast pocket and is designed to enhance the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of breast augmentation surgery by up to 50%. Benefits of using the Keller funnel include reduced risk of breast implant contamination, capsular contraction, infection, and postoperative pain. The risk of future complications is also lessened, and shorter incision lengths lead to less operating time which in turn results in quicker healing, and expedited recovery.

Yes, Dr. Jaiswal is an extremely experienced and highly trained board-certified plastic surgeon, who employs the most advanced surgical techniques, which include the “no touch” breast augmentation technique. “No touch” incorporates the use of the Keller funnel for precise implant delivery into your breast pocket, without your plastic surgeon touching the implant itself. This technique is proven to reduce the risks of infection and contamination by up to 50%. This “no touch technique” also allows Dr. Jaiswal to create smaller incisions which can reduce time in the operating room, translating into quicker healing.

Breast implants add both volume and weight to your natural breast tissue, regardless of where you start. Your epidermis is inherently elastic, but over time, added weight from your new breast implants will stretch the skin over the lower portion of your breasts. This can cause your implants to bottom out, positioning them lower, than when they initially settled on your chest. When patients experience this outcome, their implants have descended inferiorly leading to an undesirable, uneven, and potentially asymmetrical appearance. Your nipples may no longer be centered and may even rotate upward of your nipple-areola complex, which is commonly referred to as “stargazing”. To combat this, Dr. Jaiswal utilizes different strategies for each patient, which include a “GalaFLEX” or mesh that strengthens and reinforces your new breast implants. The mesh acts as an “internal push up bra” to help support the added weight of your implants. Depending on the type of mesh used it will dissolve within 6 to 18 months and will be replaced by stronger soft tissue. During your consultation, Dr. Jaiswal will quickly assess and analyze the need for internal supporting mechanisms to maximize your results. He will discuss his strategy and best practices with you to determine the most appropriate steps forward to help you achieve your breast goals and eliminate your aesthetic concerns which will result in newfound self-esteem and body confidence.

As a board-certified plastic surgeon with 10 years of experience, Dr. Rohit Jaiswal, MD, has performed thousands of breast augmentation cases and will quickly identify the best approach to your breast surgery, based on your body concerns and aesthetic goals. As a rule of thumb, if the vast majority of your breast tissue is in the upper portion of your breasts, above your nipples, and the inframammary crease, and not below the base, a breast lift may not be necessary.

Yes, Dr. Jaiswal prefers general anesthesia when performing a breast augmentation to ensure patient comfort and safety during the procedure. While Dr. Jaiswal offers a bevy of in-office procedures, breast augmentation surgery is performed outpatient only. You can expect surgery to take approximately 45 to 60 minutes and is painless.

No, a caretaker is not required, but is recommended for the first 24 to 72 hours following your breast augmentation surgery. As you are revived from general anesthesia you will be unable to drive and must follow all post-operative instructions which include regular doses of important pharmaceutical medications tasked with maintaining patient comfort and preventing infections. Additionally, your judgment, reflexes, and self-awareness may be impacted so it’s important someone you trust is available to help manage your care and ensure proper compliance and communication with your plastic surgeon and their office following surgery.

Your breasts will naturally swell after this procedure, and you shouldn’t be alarmed. It is normal for the breasts to swell to roughly a size larger than what the final results will produce. This varies from case to case, but typically swelling begins to subside after the first week or two. Residual swelling can take months to resolve, but the majority of swelling will be gone by then.

There are risks with every surgical procedure, cosmetic or not. In the case of breast augmentation, the main concern is the issue of scarring. Scarring is inevitable for most cosmetic procedures, but Dr. Golshani has perfected his trade by learning the latest techniques that result in as minimal scarring as possible.

Dr. Golshani’s surgical staff will provide you with a specialized post-surgical bra to help heal, minimize swelling, and provide comfort. It is essential that you follow Dr. Golshani’s instructions regarding bra wear during the recovery period.

Recovery after Breast Augmentation involves rest, limited arm movements, and avoiding strenuous activities for a few weeks. Our surgical coordinators will provide specific post-operative instructions, including guidelines on when you can gradually resume exercise.

Mammograms are still possible after Breast Augmentation, but inform the radiologist about your implants. Additional views or specialized techniques may be needed to ensure accurate imaging of breast tissue.

Drains are not typically required after Breast aAugmentation, as Dr. Golshani makes use of techniques that minimize fluid accumulation.

Typically, Dr. Golshani prefers to use absorbable sutures that do not require removal. If non-absorbable sutures are preferred for your particular procedure, our surgical coordinators will schedule a follow-up appointment to remove them.

Although changes in nipple sensation are possible after Breast Augmentation, most of our patients retain sensation or experience temporary changes that improve over time.

Breast Implants are not considered lifetime devices and may require replacement or revision over time. Factors such as implant integrity, changes in breast tissue, or personal preferences will help determine if and when your implants may need to be replaced. Regular follow-up appointments and monitoring are recommended.

While Breast Implants are designed to be durable, they can potentially break or rupture over time due to factors such as trauma or wear and tear. Signs of a ruptured implant may include changes in breast shape or size, pain, asymmetry, or unusual firmness. It is important to consult with Dr. Golshani and his surgical coordinators if you suspect an implant rupture for proper evaluation and treatment.

It is common for breasts to feel tight and slightly uncomfortable after surgery, especially during the initial healing period. Gentle movements are encouraged to prevent stiffness and aid in recovery, but it is important to avoid strenuous activities or excessive stretching that may strain the surgical sites. Following Dr. Golshani’s post-operative instructions and guidelines for movement will help ensure a safe and smooth recovery process.

Yes, your surgical dressings will be removed 24 hours after your breast augmentation surgery, by Dr Jaiswal, during your first follow up consultation. At that time, and for the next 8 weeks, you will be required to wear a soft support bra. During this time, it’s essential for patients to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities. The soft compression bra will help your new breasts heal without adversely influencing their shape. It’s also essential for daily and continuous support, minimizing movement and unwanted “jiggling”, and helping to reduce inflammation and swelling, while improving circulation, leading to faster recovery times. You can expect to wear a bra around the clock for the first 8 weeks but may remove it while you shower. It’s important to wait at least 12 to 16 weeks before determining your new bra size as your body is still healing. Swelling and inflammation should be resolved, and your breasts settled, before planning any new size and wardrobe changes.

Recovery varies from patient to patient, but most patients return to work 1 to 2 weeks after breast augmentation surgery. Patients may perform light cardiovascular activity after 2 weeks, to encourage blood flow and improve circulation, but should refrain from heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, and upper body movements for 6 to 8 weeks as you risk incidental and accidental interferences. We understand and appreciate your fitness goals and desire to maintain and enhance your appearance through exercise, but it’s vitally important that your breasts and body are healed before engaging in a more rigorous workout routine. Our medical team, led by board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Rohit Jaiswal, MD, will monitor your progress weekly and will update you on when you can resume a more strenuous workout routine.

Yes, we encourage patients to get regular checkups and breast tissue examinations, which include mammograms annually. Following your breast augmentation, and regardless of silicone or saline implants, mammogram readings will likely be obstructed as they are unable to sufficiently penetrate breast implants. You can expect your radiologist to capture additional images to account for impaired views caused by your new implants. Patients with implants should get regular mammogram screenings.

Drains are not needed following breast augmentation surgery, and any unwarranted use should be avoided. Drains may be required after breast reconstruction surgery, if you are having a mastectomy.

Nipple sensation can be heightened or impaired depending upon the size and placement of your breast implants. When implants are positioned above the muscle there is also a greater incidence of nipple numbness. Overall, loss of nipple sensitivity in patients is between 5% and 15%, regardless of your surgeon. Dr. Jaiswal is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has performed thousands of breast augmentation cases during his 10-year career and employs the most advanced surgical techniques to ensure positive and successful results for every one of his patients.

Breast augmentation results are permanent, but patients may decide that they want to remove their implants or change their size at a later date. Life events like pregnancy and breastfeeding are catalysts and can impact a patient’s decision to replace or remove their breast implants. Additionally, patients may opt for a breast lift or reduction as they age. Lastly, your implants, while extremely durable, do not last forever, and may begin to show visible signs of wear, like rippling, after 10 to 20 years, indicating the need to replace them.

Yes, regardless of the insertion method; axillary, periareolar, or inframammary, you can expect some scars following breast augmentation surgery. However, over time as your scars mature and your body heals, your scars will fade and be nearly invisible. Dr. Jaiswal is a board-certified plastic surgeon, and artistic tactician, who skillfully places your incisions in the creases of your armpit, fold underneath your breast, or junction between your nipple and areola. These scars are well hidden and heal extremely well. At DrSkin Med Spa we offer patients post-surgery scar reduction therapy that can reduce and almost completely remove hypertrophic, atrophic, and keloid scars, commonly associated with breast augmentation surgery.

With age, the risk of a breast implant rupture increases. While not life-threatening, breast implant ruptures can lead to infection when untreated and present other uncomfortable and unsightly conditions, which include asymmetry and uneven appearance, loss in size and change in shape, lumpiness, pain, burning, tingling, swelling, and numbness. While saline implant ruptures deflate immediately and pose less risk as the fluid inside is non-toxic, the edges of the implant can become sharp enough to cause pain and discomfort, which can lead to new scar tissue. Silicone implant ruptures, although unlikely, can be especially dangerous if untreated as the implants are filled with a silicone gel filler that cannot be readily absorbed by the body like saline. If you have implants and believe you’re experiencing a silent rupture, or have noticed changes to your breast implants, we encourage you to speak to your plastic surgeon immediately.

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