Now that the New Year (2017) is here, many people will attempt to lose weight. It’s one of the most popular “New Year’s Resolutions”, but also happens to be equally one of the most failed New Year’s Resolutions. In any event, some people will stick to their guns & end up shedding off several pounds of unwanted…
Tag: Weight Loss
Smoothie Cleansing for Weight Loss – Dr. Golshani Approved
We’ll be strictly honest here, losing weight is infuriating – for many, it’s one of the biggest physical and mental roller coasters we’ve ever been on. We understand. Plastic surgery is not always an option, and honestly should only be considered when other alternatives – such as what we’re about to suggest – have not…
Beating the Holiday Weight Gain | Dr. Golshani’s Advice
Just when you start seeing results for your weight control results, boom! – It’s another holiday with plenty of feasting. From holiday gatherings to banquets and office parties, and all the festive cooking in between, for most, it is nearly impossible to not register a 5-pound weight gain. Now that the 4th of July is over,…