We’ll be strictly honest here, losing weight is infuriating – for many, it’s one of the biggest physical and mental roller coasters we’ve ever been on. We understand.
Plastic surgery is not always an option, and honestly should only be considered when other alternatives – such as what we’re about to suggest – have not provided sufficient results.
So what’s the big secret to losing weight? Well, it’s not so much a secret…
We’re sure you’ve heard of this before. Also known as “juicing” (or blending, but juicing is what we recommend). No, it’s not a special diet that you’ll have to stay committed to for months or years.
In fact, it’s only a 10-day commitment! That’s right, 10 days. Possible? Dr. Golshani believes so.
Detoxification is a necessary component of weight loss – however, it is not the only component.
Greens, Greens, Greens
The “10-day smoothie cleanse”, as it is referred to, focuses on green intake.
Arugula, Beet Greens, Bok Choy, Chard, Collard Greens, Dandelion Greens, Kale, Lettuce, Mustard Greens, Parsley, Spinach, and Turnip Greens.
These are where all of your essential vitamin and nutrients will come from, which all aid in detoxifying all of the toxins that are stored in your fat cells that have been built up over the years.
The 10-day cleanse is designed to turn your body into a fat-burning machine, that also results in healthier skin, a clearer mind, and a host of other daily benefits.
We’ve barely scratched the surface here, but if you’re truly interested in dropping stubborn belly fat, then you could read the full book written by J.J. Smith – fully endorsed by Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, Dr. Golshani.
It contains day-by-day instructions on exactly what you should be juicing, as well as recommended juicers to invest in for the commitment.
If you’re not big on reading, not a problem because the book’s first 40 pages are all you need. And it’s an easy read. I wish you the best of luck!