
Should I Have My Breast Implants Replaced or Removed?

Breast implants have been around for a while and researchers have developed a 5th generation silicone implant that aimed at eliminating leakage, also referred to as “silicone-gel bleed”. They are more stable than previous generation implants and offer the greatest level of safety and satisfaction.

However, many women have breast implants they are satisfied with for many years, but then often wonder if they should remove or replace them for fear of complications they believe will occur sometime in the future. Sometimes, patients just want to return to their normal breast size. In any case, it’s common for patients to experience a period where they begin to question whether or not they should have their breast implants replaced or removed.

Los Angeles Breast Implant Surgeon Chimes In

Dr. Golshani sheds some light onto the situation that many women experience. “It all depends on the condition of your breast tissue, skin, etc. If your breasts are overly stretched, have severe thinning and/or striae (stretch marks), then removal without replacement can get complicated by a poor outcome and further lack of satisfaction on your side.”

Many surgeons recommend breast implant replacement over breast implant removal simply because implant removal involves a more complicated procedure that may result in slightly increased chances of complications arising. However, some women benefit from implant removal. It all depends on the individual.

Let a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Handle It

No matter what you read, hear, or see online in regards to considering breast implant revision, it’s always best practice to let a board certified plastic surgeon with adequate experience handle the situation because every woman’s body is different and these factors need to be considered in person before making any final judgments.

Dr. Golshani notes, “sometimes switching to smaller implants is a more desirable option to achieve the best outcome.” It is absolutely necessary to consult with a board certified professional in order to find out what outcome is best for you, your health, and your satisfaction.

Dr. Golshani is a board certified plastic surgeon that has been practicing for close to 14 years and provides plastic surgery procedures such as breast implants, breast augmentation, breast reduction and breast implant removal for his patients in Beverly Hills.

Ready to Start Your Journey?

We invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Daniel Golshani, or to ask questions about a procedure or treatment by completing our online form. You can also call us at (310) 274-3481.

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