
I’m Having Trouble Deciding on a Regular or Mini Tummy Tuck?

Men and women all over the world experience excess fat in the midsection. We gain weight, we lose weight, and the cycle goes on and on. Fat and loose skin does not discriminate against gender, race, creed or color. The battle of the bulge happens to the best of us, for many reasons – stress, emotional over-eating, pregnancy, and/or addiction. If you’re experiencing weight gain and loss that results in loose skin, or tired of looking at that tummy pouch that no longer serves the purpose of carrying a child, you might be considering a tummy tuck.

What Route to Take? Mini or Regular Tummy Tuck?

First, it is important to understand what each procedure is.

Dr. Daniel Golshani explains that a mini tummy tuck is “a procedure for the area from the belly button to just below the ‘swimsuit line’. It’s also referred to as a lower tummy tuck. A full tummy tuck covers the entire abdomen, above and below the belly button.”

How do you choose?

It is in fact, up to the belly button. If the skin around the belly button needs firming, only a full, regular tummy tuck will remedy any stretching or loose skin there. Otherwise, a mini tummy tuck may be the best option.

Both options essentially re-drape the skin, correcting or tightening any loose or overstretched skin on the abdomen. The scarring is minimal for both surgeries. Dr. Golshani understands the right techniques to make the scar lines on par with lines we get from our clothing – hiding any scarring that may be present.

Tummy Tucks After Pregnancy

For women who have been pregnant, the skin’s fascia beneath the abdominal wall can have separated, no longer giving proper support to the organs in that area. This results in protruding fascia, filling out the loose skin. So again, if this is occurring below the belly button, a mini tummy tuck will correct the problem. However, in this particular case of a once pregnant woman, plastic surgeons must be careful to properly evaluate exactly how damaged the fascia is. If they perform a mini tummy tuck without doing their homework, the patient could experience ballooning of the upper abdomen, which would result in the need for a full abdominoplasty after all.

Board-Certified Advice

Whichever tummy tuck you are deciding on, mini or full, follow this advice:

  • Do your research.
  • Receive a full opinion/evaluation from a board-certified tummy tuck surgeon.
  • Be sure to give yourself enough time to heal regardless of the procedure.

Ready to Start Your Journey?

We invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Daniel Golshani, or to ask questions about a procedure or treatment by completing our online form. You can also call us at (310) 274-3481.

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