Spring is a season where you shake off the symbolic layers of winter and prepare to bloom. The changes in weather can inflict damage to your skin, which is why the beginning of spring is a great time to reassess your skin care regime. Incorporating new beauty care products to your new skin needs is important in order to effectively deal with the change in climate, sunshine, high humidity, and exposure to environmental factors as you will be spending more time outdoor, whilst enhancing your beauty for the season.
Here are a few tips to help you look, feel, and stay lovely this spring:
1. Exfoliate
After the cold, dry winter days are over, your dead, dry, and flaky skin remains. So, it is important to get some deep exfoliation and cleansing. Most of your body is covered up during winter, with long sleeves, long pants, warm socks, and boots, so you rarely get to examine your feet, elbows, and knees. Get rid of the old dry skin layer to make room for fresh dazzling spring skin.
2. Purge Old Skin Care Products
Your cosmetics and other beauty products have a shelf life, and any expired products have lost their effectiveness, and possibly even harbor bacteria. To ensure safety, check the expiration dates on all your products, and toss/replace:
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3. Use Sunscreen With Higher SPF
The sun can get very strong at this time of the year, so it is important that you always carry a day cream with SPF to protect yourself from harmful UV radiation from the sun, which may cause, among other things, premature aging and sunburns.
4. Increase Your Supplement Intake
Supplements contain vital antioxidants that help protect your skin from free radicals found in food and the polluted environment. These radicals damage your skin, and over time, destroy collagen contributing to more wrinkles and aging. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as other sources of vitamins C, E, and K will help to improve your skin’s elasticity and prevent it from getting dry and flaky.
Lastly, hydrate your skin. Winter weather and over-reliance on central heating can cause your skin to feel tight and flaky. This can be remedies by increasing your hydration levels by drinking more water and using a moisturizer that contains humectants like omega oils and hyaluronic acid. Taking omega 3 supplements will also help to increase your skin hydration levels, removing the flaky post-winter look and restoring its barrier function.