As you are (hopefully) well aware, Mother’s Day is coming up. A day where the nation recognizes all mothers for the dedication, courage, and strength it takes in not only carrying a child for 9 whole months, but raising the child as well! Any Mother knows the many ups and downs of raising children.
So What Do Moms Want?
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons ran a simple survey back in 2011 that revealed what it is that moms secretly want for Mother’s Day. You could say these items were on their Mother’s Day wish list.
The survey produced these results: “American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) shows that if cost were not an issue, 62 percent of mothers said that they would consider a “mommy makeover” that includes procedures such as a tummy tuck, breast augmentation and/or breast lift.”
Would The Survey Results Still Hold True Today?
Yes, the survey itself is surely old and outdated – or is it? We believe the results of this survey certainly remain true today, some 4 years later. In fact, plastic surgery has only been increasing in popularity over the years.
The new question is: if the same survey would run again today, what results what it produce? What plastic surgeries are moms interested in today? Perhaps instead of a “Mommy Makeover”, moms may be considering the use of dermal fillers such as Botox® for more facial volume and less wrinkles. For cosmetic surgery, women’s attitudes and trends frequently change as technology grows further and new techniques are discovered.
An issue is most mothers are not aware of new products and services. For instance, are you aware of the Eclipse MicroPen? It is an amazing upcoming trend: micro needling. We believe moms would love it. Why? Simple: because it greatly reduces/eliminates wrinkles anywhere on the body.
It used to be that Mothers in their 50s were the main demographic who sought tummy tucks and mommy makeovers. However, over the years the trend has slowly shifted toward young Mothers in their 30s coming in more for these procedures. The reason why? Time. It’s the simple fact that most mothers want their pre-pregnant bodies back almost immediately after having their last child.
Spend Time With Mom!
So for this Mother’s Day, make absolutely sure to spend precious time with your mothers – and if you feel comfortable asking, try and find out if she has any “secret” wish list… you never know until you ask. 🙂
Happy Mother’s Day from the team at Dr. Golshani’s Beverly Hills office!