As we age, we often suffer normal everyday “wear and tear” on the body. Does it bring us down? It can. Mentally we may be strong, perhaps stronger than ever… physically, too. Working out, eating healthy, watching calorie intake, etc. Point is, we may FEEL good, but we are not necessarily satisfied internally with our…
Tag: Rhinoplasty
Plastic Surgery Makes People’s Dreams Come True!
They say imitation is the most genuine form of flattery, so celebrities must feel some sort of pride and accomplishment when some fans go to great lengths to copy their “look”. Here are some interesting fans whose stories are certainly newsworthy, as well as highlight the power of plastic surgery and how it really can…
Brotox: More and More Men Getting Plastic Surgery
Today’s society values youth and beauty very highly, even for men. Over the last decade, there’s been a significant increase in men’s aesthetic surgeries, with the most common ones involving liposuction, nose jobs, eyelid surgery, male breast reduction, and hair transplants. So, why are men interested in plastic surgery? The reasons for seeking aesthetic surgery, including…
Popular Plastic Surgeries by Country
Most Rhinoplasty Procedures Who wants a nose job? Iran does! According to the UK’s Daily Mail, Iranians book 7 times more rhinoplasty procedures than the US. Why? Thank magazines and Hollywood images of what they want us to believe are the hottest women and men in the world, with their perfect noses and perfect lives. The ironic…