Looking as Good as You Feel with a Facial Analysis

As we age, we often suffer normal everyday “wear and tear” on the body. Does it bring us down? It can. Mentally we may be strong, perhaps stronger than ever… physically, too. Working out, eating healthy, watching calorie intake, etc. Point is, we may FEEL good, but we are not necessarily satisfied internally with our looks. We may see a different person in the mirror, one that appears tired or old.

Trying to lose weight? Try Dr. Golshani’s recommended 10-day juice cleanse.

Have You Considered a Facial Analysis?

Most of us are probably not even aware what a “facial analysis”. Facial analyses allow a certified professional, such as Dr. Golshani, to critically analyze facial features such as volume, bone structure, muscle activity, skin quality, and proportions of neck, brows, eyelids, cheeks, and forehead. It’s quite an evaluation, but it can provide you an opportunity to transform your facial structure into one that matches the way you FEEL.

So… Then What?

Well, after a thorough facial analyses has occurred, the next step is recommending procedures that are designed to enhance your facial structure and provide you with a younger appearance. After all, that is the main goal.

Most people are not ready to jump directly into surgery, so the first approach is generally topicals, chemical peels, and micro-needling – all of which are minimally invasive. Dr. Golshani has developed his very own line of products, marketed under the brand name “Avosant Skincare”. He can help you determine what products to use, the best times to use them, and for how long.

View Avosant Skincare products developed exclusively by Dr. Golshani.

Micro-needling is a relatively newer procedure, but is a highly advanced technique of smoothing wrinkles out, acne scars, stretch marks, and other features of natural aging.

Read more on the Eclipse MicroPen offered by Dr. Golshani.

The final approach to looking young is to consider plastic surgery procedures such as face lifts, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, and other facial procedures that have a dramatic effect on your facial appearance. But unless you have a concerning issue, it is recommended to try minimally-invasive techniques first.

Smoothie Cleansing for Weight Loss – Dr. Golshani Approved

We’ll be strictly honest here, losing weight is infuriating – for many, it’s one of the biggest physical and mental roller coasters we’ve ever been on. We understand.

Plastic surgery is not always an option, and honestly should only be considered when other alternatives – such as what we’re about to suggest – have not provided sufficient results.

So what’s the big secret to losing weight? Well, it’s not so much a secret…


We’re sure you’ve heard of this before. Also known as “juicing” (or blending, but juicing is what we recommend). No, it’s not a special diet that you’ll have to stay committed to for months or years.

In fact, it’s only a 10-day commitment! That’s right, 10 days. Possible? Dr. Golshani believes so.

Detoxification is a necessary component of weight loss – however, it is not the only component.

Greens, Greens, Greens

The “10-day smoothie cleanse”, as it is referred to, focuses on green intake.


Arugula, Beet Greens, Bok Choy, Chard, Collard Greens, Dandelion Greens, Kale, Lettuce, Mustard Greens, Parsley, Spinach, and Turnip Greens.

These are where all of your essential vitamin and nutrients will come from, which all aid in detoxifying all of the toxins that are stored in your fat cells that have been built up over the years.

The 10-day cleanse is designed to turn your body into a fat-burning machine, that also results in healthier skin, a clearer mind, and a host of other daily benefits.

We’ve barely scratched the surface here, but if you’re truly interested in dropping stubborn belly fat, then you could read the full book written by J.J. Smith – fully endorsed by Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, Dr. Golshani.

It contains day-by-day instructions on exactly what you should be juicing, as well as recommended juicers to invest in for the commitment.

If you’re not big on reading, not a problem because the book’s first 40 pages are all you need. And it’s an easy read. I wish you the best of luck!

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon Debunks Anti-aging Skin Care Myths

Anti-aging is always a trending topic with the influx of anti-aging treatments, claims of new, must-have products, and skin-care advice from multiple random sources. But how much of what you hear is true and helpful?

Common Anti-aging Skin Care Myths – Debunked

Myth: Dry skin causes wrinkles.

Wrinkles are caused by collagen breakdown; not dry skin. Dry skin tends to make wrinkles more obvious. That said, hydrating your skin has no effect as to whether or not you will develop wrinkles.

Myth: Since my mother looks very young for her age, I will also not show signs of aging when I get older.

There are many factors that affect how you age, including genetics and lifestyle habits, though in different measures. So, compared to genetics, your lifestyle habits will affect how you age to a greater extent. If you smoke, don’t use sunscreen, and eat a poor diet, your genetics, no matter how good they are, will not help you look younger for longer.

Myth: Moisturizing helps prevent wrinkles.

Applying moisturizer regularly does not prevent wrinkles, though it helps your skin stay hydrated. It does not matter what ingredients are in the moisturizer. It simply has no effect on wrinkle prevention.

Myth: I don’t need sunscreen on cloudy days.

Your skin is exposed to UV radiation, including the UVA aging rays, every day irrespective of the amount of cloud cover or precipitation. Solar radiation is the primary cause of aging, and you should never go outside without applying sunscreen.

Myth: Smiles and frowns are the primary source of wrinkles.

This is not entirely false since wrinkles can occur when muscles are used to create facial expressions. That said, the biggest cause of wrinkles is the loss of volume in the face due to the natural breakdown of fat and collagen. Fortunately, this process can be counteracted through the application of topical treatments containing peptides that enhance the ability o the skin to produce its own collagen.

Myth: The more expensive a skin-care treatment, the more effective it is.

In many cases, it is not the actual science that makes a product expensive, but the packaging and possibly inclusion of perfume. Some people prefer to buy expensive skin-care products in department stores assuming that they work better, which is not necessarily true. It is better to go for tried-and-tested brands that spend more on research and development than packaging.

In Conclusion

You should always be careful of product advertisements that claim to make you look younger in days. Everyone wants to prevent and correct any signs of aging, but you cannot simply trust every advertisement, especially since they are not monitored by the FDA. Exercising your facial muscles is also counterproductive. Instead, avoid bad lifestyle habits that cause you to age faster, like excess consumption of alcohol and smoking. Also, increase your intake of foods that boost collagen production.

How to Minimize Post-Plastic Surgery Scarring

One of the biggest concerns for patients seeking cosmetic surgery is how to minimize the post-surgery scarring. Scarring is a natural process for the body to heal open wounds or cuts, characterized by the growth of new tissue and collagen that closes and seals the cut while cleaning out dead blood cells and skin in the form of a scab.

Minor infections are typically dealt with by the body’s immune system. During the early stages of healing, you may experience oozing of blood or clear liquid, which is a result of the body delivering a stream of white blood cells, protein, amino acids, and water to fight infection, rebuild the area, and keep it clean. When the oozing dries, it forms a scab that acts as a protective layer, and usually falls off when the wound has healed completely.Still, red or pink scar will be left behind, and start to fade to a flesh color with time.

The visibility of the scar depends on several factors including:

  • The size of the initial wound
  • The skin type, health, and age of the patient
  • How fast the wound heals
  • How well the wound is cared for while healing

While it is not possible to prevent scarring entirely, there are a few things you can do to aid in the fading process, minimize the appearance of scars, and ensure that the incisions heal cleanly and quickly.

Post Cosmetic Surgery Scarring Tips

1. Keep the incision site clean and protected.
Studies show that surgical wounds form layers across the point of incision within 48-72 hours. Until this layer forms, it is important that you keep the surgical dressing on, and dry. Afterwards, you can use clean water to gently rinse the area. Clean the wound daily, but avoid any rigorous cleaning as it may increase tension on the wound.

2. Keep the incision protected from the sun.
It is critical that you don’t expose your surgical incision to the sun for a minimum of one year after the surgery to prevent abnormal coloration (hyper-pigmentation) of the new tissue, which does not resemble the nearby skin. If you have to step into the sun, use sunscreen.

3. Massage the scar.
Research suggests that scar massage helps to address texture issues arising as the wound heals. Specifically, the mechanical forces loosen underlying scar tissue and increase circulation to the recovering tissues.

4. Avoid using creams or other topical products.
Many doctors are hesitant to recommend over-the-counter creams because there are insufficient studies into their effectiveness. That said, your doctor may recommend some ointments to use on the treated area, or silicone sheeting if you are resistant against keloid scars or hypertropic scarring.

5. Finally, watch out for complications.
If you discover something unusual, like severe pain around the incision, the site turns red and puffy, or a fever beyond 100.4 degrees, contact your plastic surgeon immediately.

History of Botox – Why It Gained Popularity

With over six million Botox treatments administered each year, Botox, or Botulinum toxin, injections are certainly the most popular cosmetic surgery in the world. Botox is used to reduce wrinkles and fine lines by paralyzing underlying muscles, though it can also be used to treat migraines, excessive sweating, muscular disorders, and some types of bladder/bowel disorders.

So, What is Botox?

Botox is made from a neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum bacterium called botulinum toxin. The bacterium exists in the natural environment in its inactive form, and can be found in cultivated soils, the forest, and in sediments of streams, lakes, coastal, or other untreated waters, as well as in the intestinal tracts of fish and mammals.

The bacteria and spores are harmless in their inactive form, but once they transform into vegetative cells and start multiplying, they start producing the highly poisonous neurotoxin responsible for botulism (a life-threatening illness) – botulinum toxin. The toxin is so poisonous that a couple of kilograms could kill the entire human population.

That said, botulinum toxin has been proven to be a valuable therapeutic protein when the dosage, frequency of administration, and variety of treated clinical conditions is put into consideration. It has medical applications to treat specific muscular conditions, as well as cosmetic applications for the removal of wrinkles by paralyzing muscles on a temporary basis.

History of Botox – Timeline

The bacterium – Clostridium botulinum – was first discovered in 1897 for causing food poisoning. Between the 1920s and ‘40s, scientists discovered that it was possible to purify the bacteria in crystalline form, and use it in small doses to relax overactive muscles and spasms. It was then used in experiments on monkeys in the 1970s, and then used on humans in the 1980s to treat eye disorders.

In 1989, the Botox substance was approved by the FDA as treatment for eye problems resulting from malfunctioning muscles, like strabismus (wandering eye), amblyopia (lazy eye), blepharospasm (twitching eye), and squinting. In the course of the treatments, eye specialists realized that when the drug was administered, the area around the eye seemed more relaxed and wrinkles less prominent.

In 2002, the FDA declared Botox safe for cosmetic use. So, it could now be used to improve the appearance of facial wrinkles under specific regulations. The effect lasts between 4 and 6 months.

The Popularity of Botox

By 2006, Botox had transformed into a billion dollar industry, and continues to be used for both cosmetic and medical purposes. In fact, it is expected to hit the $4 billion mark in the international market by 2018, with the US contributing about 50 percent. Its rapid growth can be attributed to the fact that is non-invasive, safer compared to surgery, and cost-effective, plus celebrities have relied on Botox injections to appear years younger on screen, boosting consumer confidence in the product.

Common Misconceptions & Myths of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, combined with a breast lift, provides a fantastic and safe option for women looking to restore
fullness and correct sagging resulting from childbirth, aging, or losing weight. As beneficial, as the procedure
may be, there are many misconceptions about breast augmentation. Understanding the most common misconceptions
before undergoing the procedure is necessary to ensure you get the best possible results and successful recovery.

Misconception/Myth #1: Implants look totally fake!

This myth was a product of women getting implants that were conspicuously too large for their bodies. It is
important to consult with your surgeon about the look you would like to achieve. So, if your doctor determines that
the procedure can be performed safely, you can get whatever size of breast implants desired. That said, most of the
women who opt for breast augmentation are only looking for fuller breasts that are proportional to the rest of
their body, so very few women opt for oversized augmentations.

Misconception/Myth #2: Implants are always large!

This is another outdated misconception. Actually, breast enhancements come in a variety of sizes, including smaller
packages than you might realize. Women are increasingly looking to achieve more realistic images of female beauty
portrayed in the media. So, more of them are opting for smaller, more proportionate enhancements. Additionally,
advancements in plastic surgery technology, like Vectra 3D imaging, help to visualize the likely changes with
different sizes of implants on PC, so clients know exactly what to expect.

Misconception/Myth #3: You cannot breastfeed with implants.

It is common belief that breast enhancements interfere with a woman’s milk production/delivery system, so they
cannot breastfeed any subsequent newborns. However, this is not true. A professionally done breast enhancement
procedure usually avoids any form of injury to the breast’s milk ducts, so you should be able to breastfeed with
implants. Still, there are many women who experience problems with breastfeeding yet they do not have breast

Misconception/Myth #4: You should change your lifestyle and activities after the surgery.

Like any other surgery, you need a rather lengthy recovery period, but your plastic surgeon should give you some
guidelines concerning the amount of time you should take off from work, as well as how soon you can resume regular
activities. Eventually, you will be able to do anything without worrying about the implants, including boxing,
scuba diving, or parachuting.

Misconception/Myth #5: Implants should be replaced every 10 years.

Breast implants typically stay in place for 20+ years without any worries. Replacements usually occur when the
patient decides to get a different size, or after a serious accident.

Read About A Safer, Better Breast Implant: Sientra® Implants

breast augmentation beverly hills
Dr. Golshani is a board-certified breast
augmentation surgeon located in Beverly Hills
and uses safe, high-end breast implants by Sientra®.
Interested in breast augmentation including breast implants and breast lift? His office may be reached @
(310) 274-3481

Breast Ptosis: Why Do Breasts Lose Volume and Shape?

Sagging of breasts is medically referred to as breast ptosis, and is a natural body change caused by aging. But there are other things that contribute to the loss in shape and volume. One thing that does not cause sagging is breast feeding. This is a common misconception that should not affect your decision to breast feed.

Why Do Breasts Lose Volume & Shape

1. Aging

The main cause of sagging is aging. As you age, your skin’s elasticity decreases and gravity begins to have a greater influence on their shape. The breasts for younger women have more fibrous and dense tissue. But as you age, the tissue becomes fattier, causing you to lose some structural support in the breast.

Additionally, the body may decide to store fat in other places, causing something similar to facial aging – when you lose volume in your face as you get older despite maintaining your weight.

2. Weight Fluctuation and/or Hormones

Ideally, breast ptosis should come much later in your life. But if you use tobacco, have multiple pregnancies, and weight fluctuation, breast ptosis can occur earlier on in your life.

Breasts have a tissue and fatty component. It is the fatty part that is affected by weight gain and loss, and responds like any other fat cells in your body. Unfortunately, there is no way to control where fat in your body is stored.

In some cases, pregnancy can initiate breast ptosis because your body will be releasing more hormones, causing your breasts to become bigger to hold milk. The result is stretched skin. Weight fluctuation causes your skin to stretch more, further leading to sagging.

3. Genetics

The extent of sagging can also be influenced by genetics, which determine the size of breasts, balance of adipose and glandular tissue, and skin elasticity.

4. Smoking

Smoking damages elastin – the protein that makes and keeps skin elastic. With lower elastin levels, your breasts will droop and sag.

5. Vigorous Exercises Without Proper Breast Support

Running, jogging, and other vigorous exercises cause your breasts to move in all directions, unless you wear a properly fitted sports bra. Allowing your breasts to move freely may cause them to shrink and lose their lift.

Can You Prevent Breast Ptosis?

There are ways to delay breast ptosis from occurring earlier on, such as using the right type of sports bra. One study revealed that bras that are separated into individual cups from the breast are more effective at keeping breasts from moving around, compared to a compression type bra.

That said, a bra cannot stop ptosis from occuring. If you want to fix sagging breasts, you should consider getting a breast lift. If you also want more volume, a breast lift with implants is the ideal solution for you. Either way, it is important that you consult a board-certified plastic surgeon before making an informed decision.

Have You Ever Considered Laser Hair Removal?

Traditional hair removal processes, such as waxing, shaving, and tweezing are effective but time-consuming. They don’t deliver a long-term solution for hair removal, plus they often result in nicks, bumps, and ingrown hairs.

Fortunately, technological advancements led to the invention of an innovative hair removal system that not only offered a long-term solution to hair reduction, but also eliminated those irritating little problems. Laser hair removal has been around for over ten years, and is one of the fastest growing systems for removing unwanted hair.

The allure of laser hair removal can be attributed to its convenience, effectiveness, and efficiency. It is a gentle way to permanently reduce unwanted hair from nearly any area of your body. So, how is it done?

The Laser Hair Removal Procedure – What To Expect

Laser hair removal is most ideal when your hair is in the growth stage. But a few days before the treatment, or on the morning of the procedure, the areas to be treated should be shaved. On the actual day of the procedure, you can expect the following:

  • Adjustment of the laser equipment according to the color, thickness, and position of the hair being treated. Your skin color is also taken into consideration.
  • Depending on the light source used, you and your technician may be required to wear eye protection.
  • In some cases, a cold gel or special cooling device may be applied on your skin to protect the outer layers and keep the laser light from penetrating your skin.
  • The technician will then illuminate a pulse of light to the treatment section and observe the area for a few minutes to establish that optimum settings were used, while checking for adverse reactions.

When the treatment is complete, you may be given anti-inflammatory creams or lotions, ice packs, or cold water to ease any discomfort.

Since hair grows in cycles, the procedure should be done in a series of 4-6 sessions, so you can schedule your next appointment 4-5 weeks later.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

There are numerous advantages of choosing laser hair removal over traditional techniques, including:

  • Application on virtually any body area: the technique can be used for facial hair removal, particularly in the chin, upper lip, and eyebrow, as well as other body parts like the chest, back, underarms, arms, back, legs, and bikini, genital, and pubic area.
  • Precision: lasers can be used to selectively target dark, coarse hairs, leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.
  • Speed: each laser pulse takes a split second to treat many hairs simultaneously, so the technique can treat an area the size of a quarter every second. Small facial areas can be treated in under a minute, while larger areas, like the chest may take around one hour.
  • Permanent reduction in unwanted hair, allowing you to enjoy smooth, soft skin immediately after the treatment.

While laser hair removal procedures may seem costly at first, it will save you money in the long run. You won’t have to make endless purchases of razors, depilatory creams, shaving cream, or even have to schedule waxing appointments; hence, the efficiency, effectiveness, and convenience.

Beverly hills laser hair removalDr. Golshani offers laser hair removal treatment in Beverly Hills through his medi-spa laser clinic. He also offers BOTOX®, other dermal fillers, and skin care products for smooth, wrinkle-free skin. Ask us about our medi-spa clinic @ (310) 274-3481.

Plastic Surgery Makes People’s Dreams Come True!

They say imitation is the most genuine form of flattery, so celebrities must feel some sort of pride and accomplishment when some fans go to great lengths to copy their “look”. Here are some interesting fans whose stories are certainly newsworthy, as well as highlight the power of plastic surgery and how it really can make dreams come true!

Regular People Who Transformed Into Celebrities With Plastic Surgery

1. Toby Sheldon as Justin Bieber

Toby Sheldon, aka Tobias Strebel, a Los Angeles singer and songwriter spent five years of various plastic surgery procedures to look exactly like Justin Bieber, despite the 14 year age difference he had with him. He went for the whole package with procedures performed on the temple, cheeks, lips, eyes, and even the special framing. He was truly a “Belieber”.

2. Lisa Connell as Demi Moore

Lisa Connell, a terminal cancer patient, announced that she wanted like to look like Demi Moore so she could die beautiful. The “Ghost” actress made frantic attempts to stop Lisa from undergoing the procedure telling her that she was beautiful just the way she is via Twitter. However, this did not stop Connell. Instead, she turned to plastic surgery to make her dream become reality using liposuction, breast implants, an eyebrow lift, and many alterations to her skin and teeth. Truly a touching story.

3. Myla Sinanaj as Kim Kardashian

Myla Sinanaj is Kris Humphries’ ex. Kim Kardashian is also Kris Humphries’ ex. Myla enjoys personally competing with Kim Kardashian so much that she turned to plastic surgery in order to directly compete with her. She underwent cosmetic procedures including breast implants, lip injections, and lower back liposuction in an attempt to make her body look more like that of the reality TV star. Who do you believe looks better?

4. Ashley Horn as Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay’s “long lost” half-sister, Ashley, performed five procedures at age 18 to look like her sister. The procedures included rhinoplasty, fat injections in her chin and upper cheeks, and some refinement underneath her cheeks and jawline. After careful inspection, her results turned out quite nice.

5. Miki Jay as Michael Jackson

The UK resident and mother of three, Miki Jay, became obsessed with the King of Pop after winning a talent show in 1991. She had procedures performed on her nose, cheeks, and chin to look like Jackson. Her change seems to have been profitable as she claims to make $240,000 annually as a professional impersonator. Plastic surgery pays off in more than one way!

The Change is Real

Plastic surgeries have been known to not only transform a person’s image, but also boost their confidence and self-esteem. Many people feel happier with their new look, and while looking like a particular star may not necessarily give them the same influence that the celebrity has, it must feel nice to occasionally be mistaken for that star!

dr. golshani plastic surgeon beverly hillsDr. Golshani is a board-certified plastic surgeon located in Beverly Hills. He performs all of the procedures mentioned above including rhinoplasty, breast augmentation (implants), liposuction, tummy tuck, BOTOX®, and much more. His office can be reached @ (310) 274-3481.

Ariel Winter on Breast Reduction: “I’ve Been Struggling for Many Years”

Ariel Winter, a popular young actress known for her role on Modern Family highlights the emotional pain that many other women feel as a result of their large breasts. And the worst part is it’s something they initially had zero control over. She opened up about her surgery on a blog featured on Glamour News.

“I remember being in my sister’s wedding and being so flat and thinking, ‘I just wish I would grow boobs!’ and then overnight I did. But then they kept growing and growing and growing and it didn’t seem like they were going to stop. It’s hard enough being a teenager in life, but being on one of the most popular and critically acclaimed sitcoms drew heightened interest. I was 15 years old with [size] F [breasts],”

Reason for Breast Reduction: Physically & Emotionally Draining

Large breasts can take a monumental toll on one’s self-confidence and esteem. This is not uncommon for women who bear large breasts. Ariel mentions the difficulty of finding bras and clothes that she felt comfortable in. She also noted that her breasts would cause her enough pain to the point where she would have to stay hunched over on set just to cope.

She couldn’t take it anymore.

She underwent breast reduction surgery on June 4th, 2015 from a size 32F to a size 34D. She acknowledges the physical differences that the media will publicize, but it’s the emotional aspect that she was most concerned of. She truly feels like a new person as a result of the procedure.

Large breasts are commonly known for:

  • Back, neck, and shoulder pains that range in severity
  • Poor posture
  • Cuts and rashes around the breasts
  • Deep grooves in the shoulders
  • Shortness of breath issues
  • Emotional pain from a variety of sources (i.e. unwanted stares)
  • Interfere with physical activities and/or sports

Breast reduction is the answer.

The full question & answer interview can be featured here.

beverly hills breast reduction Dr. Golshani is a board-certified breast reduction surgeon in Beverly Hills. He has performed many procedures that have resulted in life-changing results. He is known for his precise attention to detail and expert techniques that result in minimal scarring and reduced recovery times. View his breast reduction before and after photos.