Dr. Golshani is one of the leading tummy tuck surgeons in Beverly Hills. As a result, he has had the opportunity to dramatically change lives through the power of plastic surgery – specifically tummy tuck. “Should I Get a Tummy Tuck?” Chances are this is the one question that you have been going back and forth…
Tag: Tummy Tuck
How to Tighten Abdomen Without Use of Tummy Tuck
Pregnancy causes your abdominal muscles to stretch extensively, leading to something called myofascial laxity. Additionally, many women also develop diastasis, which refers to the gap between the two vertically oriented abdominal muscles – rectus abdominis. Surgeons can recommend a variety of procedures to correct abdominal laxity, including an umbilical float modified tummy tuck, a mini…
Plastic Surgery Makes People’s Dreams Come True!
They say imitation is the most genuine form of flattery, so celebrities must feel some sort of pride and accomplishment when some fans go to great lengths to copy their “look”. Here are some interesting fans whose stories are certainly newsworthy, as well as highlight the power of plastic surgery and how it really can…
Mommy Makeover – How Soon After Pregnancy?
Mommy Makeovers are a popular procedure that many new Mothers seek out in an attempt to restore their body to its former glory pre-pregnancy – especially just before summer in time for bikini season. However, sometimes Mothers jump into the procedure sooner than what is recommended. Your Beverly Hills mommy makeover surgeon, Dr. Golshani, touches on…
What Would Mom Get Herself for Mother’s Day if She Had the Chance?
As you are (hopefully) well aware, Mother’s Day is coming up. A day where the nation recognizes all mothers for the dedication, courage, and strength it takes in not only carrying a child for 9 whole months, but raising the child as well! Any Mother knows the many ups and downs of raising children. So…
Rachel Hollis, Mom of 3, Sparks Movement to Embrace Pregnancy Stretch Marks
In recent news, a viral photo of a mother in CA gained a huge liking in a very short amount of time. The photo was a fun shot of the woman featuring her bikini body after having gone through 3 pregnancies over the years. Her children are now 8, 6, and 2, but her message is…
Popular Plastic Surgeries by Country
Most Rhinoplasty Procedures Who wants a nose job? Iran does! According to the UK’s Daily Mail, Iranians book 7 times more rhinoplasty procedures than the US. Why? Thank magazines and Hollywood images of what they want us to believe are the hottest women and men in the world, with their perfect noses and perfect lives. The ironic…
Post Op Weight Gain After Tummy Tuck: Should I Be Worried?
The key to long-lasting results relies on dedication to looking slim. So you decided to get a tummy tuck, and everything went smoothly, literally and figuratively. Great! Congratulations! Getting your body the way you want it is not only a confidence booster, it’s… well it’s pretty much just a confidence booster. Let’s be honest. What it…
I’m Having Trouble Deciding on a Regular or Mini Tummy Tuck?
Men and women all over the world experience excess fat in the midsection. We gain weight, we lose weight, and the cycle goes on and on. Fat and loose skin does not discriminate against gender, race, creed or color. The battle of the bulge happens to the best of us, for many reasons – stress,…
A Great Debate: Tummy Tuck or Liposuction?
If you’re considering abdominal surgery of some sort, among the popular procedures are tummy tuck and liposuction. After considering your options and the results you’d like, you and your doctor decide you’re in for both procedures! However, one question you might be asking then is, which comes first? Liposuction or tummy tuck? Today’s surgeons are…